A Life of InnergyMy Path
Before I describe my Life of Innergy, as it is today, I would first like to extend my special Mahalo (Thanks) and Aloha (Love, Hawaiian style) to all who have contributed to my path. First of all, I thank my parents, for the wonderful prenatal Qi (life energy) that they poured into my mind, body and spirit at my conception and birth, back in 1950. Due in part to their contribution, I have enjoyed a lifetime of relative good health and happiness, both internally and externally. Like everyone, I am not without challenges in terms of overall health, but at least I can be thankful for a strong foundation that directly came from their DNA and the DNA of their fore-bearers. Thanks for the great head start! Second of all, I want to show my sincere appreciation to the family members, friends, teachers and associates who have passed into and in some cases, out of my life. During my lifetime, I have had the good fortune of meeting and knowing, in various degrees and capacities, some of the most wonderful people who have ever walked this planet. In my view, we are all students and teachers of each other, no matter what our differences in age, nationality, culture, language or gender may be. In fact, I feel that the bigger the perceived difference, the more we have an opportunity to learn from each other. It is our duty to seize those opportunities with great interest and vigor, as it strengthens our bonds with other individuals and broadens our understanding of life. Third, as it relates to my path of learning and teaching the Qigong Innergy Arts, my chosen path of life, I would like to thank all of my teachers, students and associates, as you have contributed to my growth and understanding in ways that are impossible to describe in words. Your sharing and caring, and your participation in what you also love and cherish, has had a terrific impact on who I am and the insights I've been fortunate to share with those within my circle of communication. My gratitude extends to people who I've never met in person, but whose books, articles, audio and video works that I have read, heard and seen. I thank you all and I hope that I have reciprocated to you in some way.